And by Margaret, I mean Marie.
Soooooooooooooo... I'm a married woman now! We got married on June 20th in Hope, BC. The weather was beautiful, the ceremony was (aside from my Dad stepping on my dress...Lol) lovely and the reception was so much fun!!!
As soon as the wedding was officially over, we contacted Genesis to look into starting a new cycle. I was rushed in within a few weeks to have a consultation and yet another hysteroscopy. The hysteroscopy went well and we were told that we could do a natural cycle. Woohoo!!! The nurse was going to bring us all the paperwork and then we were free to go. Well, she brought us the labwork requisitions we needed to update, and a piece of paper with the cycle directions on it. We went home and waited for day one of my cycle.
Day one came. I called the clinic and booked my ultrasound. I was told that I needed to pay that day. Well, I don't know how much to pay or what I'm even paying for. Turns out the nurse hadn't given me that information. I'm not paying until I know exactly what my cycle includes! They agreed to let me pay when I came for my ultrasound.
Day 10 came. I went in for my ultrasound (after paying the $1500 fee and finding out that only 3 ultrasounds are covered in that fee...Wtf!), the Dr seemed to have no clue what she was doing and was concerned about a shadow that she saw on the ultrasound. I reminded her that I had just had a hysteroscopy and that everything looked good. The nurse confirmed that it was less than two weeks ago and she said "Oh, if I wasn't concerned then, I shouldn't be concerned now". How comforting... The nurse told me that I could start using the ovulation testing kit now. I went home, feeling a bit miffed and not very confident in this cycle. I mean, It's not really starting out well, is it!
Day 19 came. I have spent the last 9 mornings getting up at ridiculous o'clock to check for ovulation. We had bought the most expensive kit we could find. Clearblue Easy Digital. Well, let me tell you something...There's nothing easy about trying to pee the right amount onto a stick that you can't easily see because you're too busy peeing! I think it was day three, I hadn't gotten that exciting little smiley face yet (yes, it smiles when you ovulate), and I either didn't pee enough OR I pee'd too much, so my stick gave me an error. How annoying! There's money down the drain, quite literally! I woke up the next morning, and scrambled to find something to pee in so that I could control the test a little better...Uh oh... I should have thought of this before I had sat on the toilet...What am I gonna grab, oh...There's a candle jar with a tealight candle...Looks good to me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I pee'd in a bloody candleholder.
I dipped my stick for the required time. I didn't get an error. I didn't ovulate.
The candleholder was my new pee-cup.
I tested every day, certain that I'd see a smile soon. Nothing.
I became sullied.
I caved and googled about ovulation. So apparently stress doesn't make your period late, it changes how you ovulate, which in turn messes up your period! Well...I think the uncertainty of this cycle, coupled with the fact that I'm being audited by the government for my 2014 medical expenses from IVF (because it's not covered in BC as it's elective, but if I wanted a sex change, that's covered...PFFT!), and I'm getting called for jury selection and a myriad of other irritating "life events" ... Well, that's possibly why I didn't ovulate!
I called the clinic and told them that I was out of sticks and asked what the next step is. The nurse that I spoke with told me that I needed to come in for another ultrasound to confirm my lack of ovulation. Hell no! I'm not about to waste my second included ultrasound on an obvious negative result!!! I also told her that I'm busy with jury selection that day and would have to call back to book an appointment/phone consult on Tuesday. She told me to continue OPK testing daily until I called back. Like heck I was spending another $50 on a kit. I went to the Dollarama and bought the cheapo ones there. $1.25...Heck yes! After all, they're no different than the pregnancy tests we use in the ER!
Right on the box, in plain view... "The best time to test is between 10am - 8pm. Don't use first morning urine as ovulation occurs later in the day and the test won't recognize it". What???????? I re-read the instructions from the expensive test "Test any time of the day, but don't pee for at least 4 hours prior". There was nothing in the gigantic two page poster that came with the Clearblue Easy tests that I should test at certain times, and seriously, who can go 4 hours without peeing during the day? Ugh! More confusion!
#screwyouclearblue |
Tuesday, I called and talked to someone else. Someone that I haven't talked to yet. She was knowledgeable and empathetic, she apologized for the lack of communication I'd experienced. Finally... Someone that cares, someone that actually knows something. I explained to her that I think I was testing too early and she said that I should have been told to test between 11am - 1pm. GREAT! Just what I wanted to hear after literally pissing $50 away! Not to mention the entire month! I pissed away a month! *cry*
So here I sit... Anxiously awaiting day one, yet again... I'll need to have another confirmation ultrasound on day 10, then start the OPK tests, again.... Hopefully this time the clinic gets their shit together and gives me all the information I need. What a horrible, frustrating, irritating cycle this has been so far.
I need a vacation!