Thursday, 20 February 2014

I got triggered!

I had to be in Vancouver again yesterday morning (my birthday!) at 7:30am for more labs and another ultrasound. Dr Kashyap said that everything was looking good and from what I gathered my follicles are growing adequately and she asked to see me again the next day. As I was driving home from a busy day of birthday shopping, Genesis called and said that my lab results were in and they were decreasing my dose of Gonal F and Menopur. Yay! This was good news because it means that my body is still responding well to the hormones!
I went back again this morning and they brought me right in for the ultrasound... My follicles are still growing and my uterus looks great! Dr Kashyap asked if I could hang around Vancouver until the afternoon because they wanted to see if I could be triggered, but needed the lab results first.
This is all a new language to me. What the heck does "triggered" mean?
I went for a solo breakfast at Denny's and contemplated googling "IVF trigger" but decided against it, just in case it was something painful or scary. I'm such a wuss!
I spent the next four hours walking aimlessly up and down Broadway, checking out the occasional interesting store. Pottery Barn had tonnes of neat ideas that I'd like to recreate myself for 1/10th the cost, and I saw the neatest baby swing in an overpriced baby store. Finally I found a Michaels Craft Store, and not 10 minutes later I get the call from Genesis that my labs are in and they want to trigger me tonight. I head back to Genesis to pick up the next step of instructions and another prescription and finally get to head home!!! What an exhausting day!
When I got home I googled a bit about this trigger. Basically I have to inject myself with the HCG hormone at 10pm today and stop taking any other shots. Oh happy days! The HCG will help mature a follicle and start ovulation in about 36 hours. My egg retrieval is scheduled in 34 hours.
S*** just got real again!
The reality of it all hit me on the way home. I'm so excited, but suddenly so scared! I know I can do this... Hell, I got through the hormone injections without killing or maiming anyone... I can handle pregnancy! I just really, really, really hope that everything works out and we don't have something horrible happen now that we're this close.
My fingers and toes are sooooooooo crossed!

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