I can't think of much else right now, other than "am I pregnant?"
Bits of me feel pregnant. I'm definitely having bizarre dreams, and other weird symptoms like the stuffy nose, constipation, sore boobs, etc... But I always wonder if that could just be from the drugs.
I spend my time searching for the ultimate nursery that's not too cliche and overdone, so basically anything on Pinterest is out. I can't tell you how many Tree Of Life paintings I've seen on nursery walls. It looks lovely, but it's just been done way too many times. I also found an awesome forum on www.babycenter.ca and we have started a support group on facebook which is great! It's nice to know that there are at people that I have something in common with for the rest of my life!
I'm pretty sure I am pregnant though. I just have that feeling. I really hope I'm right, which is ok because I'm never wrong. Just ask Lance. ;)
I decided to do a little project this afternoon. I wanted to take a picture to mark each month of this pregnancy and I thought it would be neat to tie a number around my belly with a ribbon. I came up with these...
They're fairly big. Each one is about 7"x7", but I think they'll look pretty awesome. If anyone wants the images sent over, then comment with your email address. I went with a gender neutral theme because at this moment, neither of us wants to find out what we're having. Perhaps that'll change, but who knows. I also made a blank one that I can print out a bunch of times and write things on it like "2WW" and "In Labor!!!" and things like that. Maybe we can take a picture of our new family afterwards with a ribbon and tag on the baby with his/her name and birth date, weight etc? So many ideas in this little head of mine!!!
Anyway, I don't think I'll be able to hold out until March 11th without doing a POAS test at home. Just gotta find out exactly when the trigger shot is out of my system. Hopefully it's soon!!!
One last thing. It's weird to think, but according to any website or app I have looked on, it says that today I'm two weeks and four days pregnant. I know that's not accurate for me as we did IVF and have a pretty good clue as to when the egg was fertilized, and you're not actually pregnant until implantation takes place but I guess the rest of the world goes by the LMP method... Which makes me more pregnant than I thought I was, even though I don't know if I am.
See, totally driving myself crazy!!!
I like the number idea