Friday, 9 May 2014

Back Again

Yesterday was cycle day one.

I left a message with Genesis to let them know and they called back this morning.

Apparently they want to do a fully augmented cycle.  What the heck does that mean?  It means that I have to take some frigging medication again.

I'm not super happy with this as I was under the impression that she wanted to try a natural cycle this time as my hormones were too much last cycle, and that is potentially what caused the failure.

I started the birth control pill today.  That, I can handle.  What annoys me is that the nurse is telling me that after my ultrasound on the 14th, I will have to start taking the nasal spray.  Why do I have to take it?  That doesn't sound very natural to me!!!

I had a good cry on the phone to Lance while he was at work.  I think I'm obviously just frustrated as I really don't want to be on any medications again.  It's hard enough remembering to take my pre-natal vitamin, iron pill and folic acid.

Lance took me out for dinner tonight.  I think he felt pretty bad for me.
He also knows that the answer to most problems is wine.

I love that guy.

I guess we'll see what happens on the 14th after the ultrasound.

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