Thursday 27 February 2014

Transfer Day Is Finally Here!

We're just in the midst of getting ready to head out to Vancouver to have the transfer done.  Lance is just taking an extraordinarily long time in the bathroom and I'm assuming he's got his iPad in there playing Clash Of Clans, so I took the opportunity to quickly update my blog.  ;)

I barely slept last night, and both Lance and I had nightmares about absolutely ridiculous things.   I felt crampy and nauseated.  My brain would not shut off for the life of me.  What would we do if we had twins?  What would we do if I miscarry?  What if it's a boy?  What if it's a girl?  So many questions!!!

Of all the nights to forget to turn off my ringer too, my Mum texted me at 0630am to wish us good luck and that woke me up... I never did get back to sleep after that, but I think a lot of it is just from excitement about hopefully moving on to the pregnancy part of IVF.  At least the nausea will be welcomed then!

Off to Vancouver we go.  Updates to come later!!!

Lance always tells me to just "go to sleep".  It drives me insane.
Especially because he's snoring within 30 seconds of saying that to me.  Argh!

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